
Reminds me of a quote about nudity from the Seinfeld series:   :)

Elaine: “The female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian. It’s for gettin’ around. It’s like a Jeep.”

It may not look good but oh the places it can take you…….


How to (not) look at dick pics

I don’t think it’s just because I’m a heterosexual man Thai I don’t think cocks are as pretty or interesting as pussies.

I think instead it’s cause cocks are meant to feel good inside someone, not look good outside them?

You’ve probably noticed most heterosexual women really do love cocks… love them in their hands, in their mouths, in their pussies too. If they don’t seem to care to see them? Especially not random dick pics? Try on that it’s because that’s because cocks are meant to feel good, not look good.

Reblogging for @teaztress‘s “the places it can take you” addition.

How to (not) look at dick pics

I don’t think it’s just because I’m a heterosexual man that I don’t think cocks are as pretty or interesting as pussies.

I think instead it’s cause cocks are meant to feel good inside someone, not look good outside them.

You’ve probably noticed most heterosexual women really do love cocks… love them in their hands, in their mouths, in their pussies too. If they don’t seem to care to see them? Especially not random dick pics? Try on that it’s because that’s because cocks are meant to feel good, not look good.




So.  As an old hippie I’m actually pretty sanguine about other people’s bathing habits.  And while everyone has “morning breath” in the morning, it’s typically worse for us than it is for our partners.


There’s a mile of difference between “don’t wash your hair on my account, pumpkin” and “I won’t brush my teeth on your account!!!”


The other day someone mentioned they appreciate older men because we’re more likely to bother showering or at least washing below the belt before asking a date for a blowjob.  Because, they said, younger men are either too clueless or too entitled to bother.

There’s a weird “snowflake” characteristic in misogyny/incel culture where it’s felt women should love men “as they are,” no matter how outwardly unkempt, unhygienic, impolite, inconsiderate, or out of shape.  

These are usually the same kind of guys, incidentally, who’ll totally lose their lunches if a woman has an ounce of excess body fat, any evidencce of genital arousal, a single hint of stubble, or anything less than perfect nails or makeup.

They’re often eager to “face fuck” their partners “like the whore they are” but… don’t like to be “told to do stuff.”  Like brush their fucking teeth!?!?!?

Last little bit of a clue: they don’t say “fuck you, you’ll smell my breath and like it.” Instead they passive/aggressive out and say shit like “find someone you think is better than me!”  WTF, champ, self-esteem much?!?!?

And yeah, I’m making a HUGE assumption that the reluctant texter was a guy – there certainly are women who don’t attend to their personal hygiene as well.  But I’ll give you a nickel if the respondent wasn’t a guy.

Look.  Dudes!  Trust me on this!  It’s not the case that women only want “alpha” males.  It’s not the case that they don’t want “beta” males!   “Hypergamy” is substantial bullshit, and the tiny sliver of it that isn’t is badly misunderstood.  Even though it’s, like, incel bible verses.

You don’t have to be ripped, or rich, or have an awesome car, or a job to be attractive to surprising numbers of women.  But, dudes, you gotta brush your teeth!  Maybe change your shirt.  Definitely shower.  Absolutely wipe your butt!!!

Pro tip from an older, experienced gentleman: half a jug of Axe Body isn’t better than a two minute shower and a little soap.

If you believe that “hypergamy” bullshit then you’re just going to run yourself into the dirt till you make yourself actually, literally unattractive, undesirable, and possibly unlovable.  But that’s not on women, that’s on you!

Learn to accept what you can’t control, as the old parable goes.  But get a goddamn handle on what you can control.  Trust me.  This works better than some of you evidently could believe.



There’s a reason Traditional men call their girls “pet”. 

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs to know there are boundaries.  Fences keep in pets and rules keep girls accountable.

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs appreciation.  She needs to hear “good girl” often to know she’s loved and valued.

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs routine.  You walk your dog at the same time every day, and your girl should have a chore list and a time limit in which to complete it.

We call girls pets because we treat them the same as we would treat a beloved pet – by imposing boundaries, showing appreciation, and enforcing routine.

And that’s exactly what both pets need to be happy and fulfilled.


The difference being that “traditional men” actually fucking believe their adult, human partners are nothing more than domestic livestock!

The King James version of the 10 Commandments, which is literally as fucking “traditional” as Western Civilization gets, goes like this:  “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”

In “tradition” women aren’t people, they’re a man’s things!  Just like his ox or his ass or his servants or real estate.

Meanwhile every legitimate kinkster understands that their partners are independent, autonomous adult human agents of their own destiny.  I say that categorically in the sense that anyone who fails to understand this isn’t a kinkster, they’re just loud vanilla.

So if I’m a kinkster I may call you “baby,” or “puppy,” or “teapot,” or use pedestal words like “princess,” or “angel” or even use judgment words like “good girl” or “naughty” to accentuate a shared erotic mood.  But in kink those words have the same semantic weight as paper parasols in a fruit cocktail – decoration only, not the truth.  The truth is we both know, and deeply care, that you’re your own grown-assed woman self.   

D/S, D/Lg, and other power-exchange kinks are awesome because they’re voluntary agreements between equal, autonomous partners. We play it’s the tropes and language of “tradition” precisely because it’s transgressive and therefore we don’t really mean it.

Tradition doesn’t just mean it, they believe it and go to extraordinary lengths to force it down everyone else’s throats. So fuck “tradition” and the oxen and asses it rode up on.

its fuckingdisturbing that you want to treat women like children. immaturity is not sexy and you are vile for thinking so

Thank you for your comment.  You feel I treat adult women as if they were children.  It’s your position that immaturity is vile and that if I think it’s sexy I’m a vile person.  Does that sound right?

Technically I want to treat competent, capable adult kinky partners the way they enjoy being treated during kinky activities.  But if you don’t see the distinction it could certainly be vile and disgusting.  I agree completely that if I didn’t see the difference either then I really would be a vile person!

It would be even worse if I wanted to treat all women (or men, actually) like children, wouldn’t it?  And there are plenty of people in the world who think exactly that way.  One of the tough things about having kinks is that they tend to be pretty transgressive, and very often reflect actions or behaviors that when sincerely believed and especially when advocated as social, legal, or religious are pretty fucking disturbing.  

Luckily for all of us I’m not interested in child partners (eww), or adult partners who are immature (yikes), nor do I think all prospective partners are or should be child-like.  

Also luckily the psychologists, artists, business owners, college students, emergency responders, single parents, athletes, and other adults who’ve flirted with or dated me since I started this Cg/L or D/Lg Daddy blog would be less than impressed if they thought I imagined were childlike or immature.  Nor would they be impressed with anyone who leveled that accusation against them… as you’ll likely discover if you drop similar accusations in their inboxes.

I don’t know if you feel reassured by my answer but please believe me when I say I appreciate your concern.  Best of luck in your own relationships, kinky or otherwise.



TIL F Scott Fitzgerald (author of the Great Gatsby) once showed Ernest Hemingway his penis and confessed his worry that it was too small to satisfy his wife Zelda; Hemingway kindly reassured him it was OK.

via reddit.com

Just kings being kings

If you ever wondered why men send dick pics!

It’s remarkable how important it is to have male approval of their dick size. And no, I don’t know why though it seems to be the same with women stressing about other women’s approval of boob size.

And it’s part of why men never seem reassured by women’s reassurances, or women of men’s assurances. A woman saying “size doesn’t matter” only makes it worse. Same as a man saying “it’s about shape not size.”

Guys don’t want to send dick picks to male authority figures for fear of seeming “gay,” but they’re basically never going to get the approval they crave from women. So they just keep sending and sending and sending them.

Sorry about that.

Aww, pumpkin, you get so mad when you’re cute!!!


Submissive males

Absolutely disgust me, this goes doubly so for sissies. You have a cock, you were born to be superior, to dominate, to be in charge… But somewhere along the line your beta bitch boy took over and now you find yourself kneeling to a cunt who should be nothing to you.

I’m not a religious man, but one of the things the Christian Bible got right was that MAN was to have dominion over all creatures, and woman was to be submissive to MAN. Specifically her husband, but that’s neither here nor there.

If you’re not going to be a Dominant Male, then you might as well cut your balls of so we can end your pathetic contribution to to the human genome. We do not need you to reproduce, we need strong Dominant Males.

And you faggots wonder why your wives choose to be with a Man like me, instead of you. To reproduce with a Man like me, instead of you. It’s because you do not satisfy her need to be dominated.

So when I was a younger man a much older father figure — a fifth-generation mountain lawman who liked to hunt wild boar and bears with only a pistol — took me aside one day and told me

“Son, we’re all born with a bag full of shit hanging from a string around our necks. And the purpose of life, he said, is to empty as much shit out of your bag as you can… Without putting any of of your shit in someone else’s bag.”

Hey would u like to rate my cock?^^






I would like nothing more than to never ever ever do that in my entire life.

it’s probably not a good dick if he needs validation for it from strangers online

And it’s definitely not attached to a good man if he needs dick validation from strangers online.

Perhaps it’s all just a misunderstanding and he is a budding poultry breeder who wants to show off his prized rooster.

omg 😂😂

There are only two reasons in the world to want someone to “rate your cock.”

1) You’re legitimately anxious about it (male dick anxiety is extraordinarily high, based not on women’s preferences but on this weird-assed compulsion men have to rank each other based on dick size.)

2) You want an excuse to get women to look at your dick.  And possibly to tell you it’s ok.  But see #1, above.  But see #1 above for a perfectly (and ironically!) non-misogynist reason why women will never be able to give a reassuring answer – straight men have anxiety about other straight men’s opinions of their dicks.

Point being that unless you really, really like seeing dicks it’s a fool’s game to offer to rate them.  Well.  Unless maybe you’re setup to take some sort of compensation, in which case I recommend offering to do it for $100.00.  And in your terms of service putting “if you send me an unsolicited dick pic you’re implicitly agreeing to pay me $100.00 and I’ll very publically put you in collections if you don’t.)