
There’s just something about hotel windows, isn’t there, littledipper?

An older, experienced gentleman would know that as with most high-rises these days the hotel windows are actually reflective on the outside…

But if the idea excited you he’d also be too polite to point it out, wouldn’t he?


Proper use of hands


So.  About hands vs dick pics again.

You ever stop to think how much women enjoy being kissed deeply and passionately?  How much they love when you nibble their ears, kiss their neck, swirl their breasts and nipples, and especially when you make them come again and again on your tongue?

Women generally love when you do those things, don’t they?  (If you don’t answer “yes” then we need to have another conversation first, ok?  So just say “yes.”)

Now.  Do you ever look in the mirror while you’re brushing your teeth, stick out your tongue and say “yeah, babes love tongues so lemme just grab my cell phone here and take a nice, juicy closeup of my tongue and send it to a buncha women!”

No?  You wouldn’t do that?  C’mon!  What could be a bigger, hotter turnon than seeing a closeup of a nice, fat, hard tongue?

No?  Yeah, that would be really stupid, wouldn’t it?  

Cause women might love kissing you and being kissed.  And my but they enjoy being licked!  But even if you really can lick your eyebrows we both know they’re going to be more interested in feeling it than, you know, seeing it.  And if they want to see it at all they’re going to be way more interested in seeing it in the context of your lips, your face, your eyes, and especially the way you smile out of genuine happiness to see them, or smirk like a cat who’s about to eat a very enthusiastic canary.

Just your tongue though?  Nothing but your tongue?  Ironically a tongue in isolation doesn’t say shit!

It’s the same with dicks.  Someone might love what you can do with your tongue, but they don’t want to watch you brush your teeth, right?  They may love what you can do with your dick, and they very likely love what they can do to your dick with their tongue!  But a dick by itself, like a tongue by itself, doesn’t say shit either.

Hands though?  Women see our hands and forearms all the time.  When we roll up our sleeves?  It’s a little like when they lean over just enough for you to see a little cleavage.  

When they see our hands?  Well.  Fair or unfair it’s just a lot easier to imagine all the things someone might do with their hands, isn’t it?  Dicks though?  Eh.  Dicks are just a really nice bump to rub up against in the context of your whole body… preferably while your big, strong hands are firmly gripping their hips to help steady, support, and guide them.

If you’re going to send any body parts besides your face?  Send hand and forearm pics.  Wait for them to ask to see (or hold, or kiss, or sit on) your tongue.  Or dick.

Shall we dance?  

We shall!

It’s easy for D/Lg kinksters to talk about bedtime, but there are so many lovely things to do when we wake up too, aren’t there?  Yes, our jobs await us and we can’t linger too long before showering and getting dressed, grabbing a bite of breakfast and a last goodbye kiss before we have to roar out the door…

But in those moments before?  While we’re still bed warm and cuddlefuzzy, and I pull you into my lap for morning kisses and naked-under-your-nightie butt squeezes.


Hard not to think about mornings together too, kittymittens.  Even though sometimes it makes us late for work…



Sometimes the punishment is needed.


But bad girl or good, only when it’s also wanted, right puddlejumper?  Right!

More than one way to have you in, over, or on my lap, pixiedust.  This is just one of my favorites.

Wishing you could sit in my lap like she’s sitting in theirs…