
My intentions are pure, my thoughts are not.

This, actually. I’m a very earnest kinky Daddy. I’ll cheerfully fuck your freshly spanked ass without loosening my grip on the belt around your throat, and then solemnly stay up all night helping you prep for a big presentation in the morning, make you breakfast, and mean it when I say, from the bottom of my heart, “go get em, tiger.”

Hi, I’ve just started talking to a guy. He is vastly more vanilla than I am, but I’ve been talking to him about trying more kinky things. More basic like light spanking, letting him be a little more in control, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary yet. I was wondering how to not scare him with kinker ideas and, hopefully, application of them. Thank you

Good question!  Sounds like you’re into things that might be kinkier than he’s comfortable with?  And you’d like to do more with him… or more accurately you’d like him to do more with you, without coming on “too strong?”  Just want to make sure.  Please let me know if I’ve missed an important point, ok?

I can’t speak for all guys but if it was me (hey, it has been me in the past!) then two things would work really well.

First, “slow and steady wins the race.”  Let him try those nothing-out-of-the-ordinary things with you first.  And see how he likes it.  Vanilla people, men especially, can take a little time to digest what a lot of us already know.  What you’re a living example of: Submission is its own kink, and that what you want him to do is almost by-definition is rough but not violent, domineering but not abusive.

And don’t get me wrong – we want people to be reluctant about violence and abuse!  And it’s actually a good thing to have a responsible Sub (you are going to be responsible) to help them learn how to distinguish them.  (I say you’re going to be responsible because the last thing we want is him doing those things before he understands the difference.)

Second: Let him know that the idea of him doing those things with, to, and for you makes you wet and happy.  Most men enjoy that idea rather a lot.  Even more for someone they actually care about.

If you’re still really in the “just started talking” part of a relationship and not “bring your toothbrush in your bag” stage, it’s an even better time to talk to him about it.  Being a Sub, even a hungry, horny one, doesn’t mean you’re necessarily hop in the sack with him right away.  So it’s ok to talk about not just boundaries and limits but wants and desires before you get around to doing them.  Just be clear those are ideals you have in mind, not that it’s either an invitation or a laundry list for him.

Oh, one last thing: let him know about the difference between “topping from the bottom” and mentoring him.  Be clear that your intention really is to Submit to him – and that at each point it will be his decision what he chooses to do based on your feedback.  

That said (since this is advice for everybody and not just you) it’s still his choice!  He might not want to be a Dom.  He might not want to be much of a Dom.  Or not one all the time.  You have to be ok with that too – boundaries, limits, and consent go both ways.

Let me know what you think.  Feel free to show him this post too.  I want both of you to succeed and be happy with who you both are and not who either things they or the other is “supposed” to be.

Best of luck!  And thanks for asking!

thanks for being a positive role model to the men on this site who don’t know how to properly dom and instead say uncomfortable and scary things to us subs

Thanks for your kind words. I say what I do to remind myself, too, not just others. Because I haven’t always been a good role model. So thank you!

Seriously. On an old blog my tag line was “learning from my mistakes so you won’t have to.” It’s still true. I’ve surely made enough of them.

It’s human to learn from your own mistakes. It’s civilized to learn from the mistakes of others. Be civilized.

Found the meme on Reddit. I was tempted to say “being a D/Lg Daddy in a nutshell” and yeah, it’s that. But really it’s what all real partners do for each other, isn’t it? Because no matter what our role or kink, remember we’re all partners first.


It’s little things like when I take my belt off while just changing pants and I turn around and there you are all bent over.

When folks get that Masochism and Submission are their own, independent kinks it’s a lot harder to mistake D/S or S&M for abuse.

Because it’s not always about consent, is it? No, consent is just the bare minimum requirement. An older, experienced gentleman waits till he knows you’re hungry for it. Because only a total toolbag would do it if you weren’t.


i want men to be able to emotionally connect with people they don’t plan on having sex with. i want men to stop assuming i am planning on having sex with them because i make an effort to engage with them emotionally. i want men to stop feeling personally betrayed by the fact that i engage deeply & genuinely with people regardless of whether i desire them sexually, because i value people & seek to understand & connect with them regardless of sexual attraction

Would I like to have sex with you? I might! For that matter would you like to have sex with me? Perhaps! Does that have anything to do with whether I’d take steps in that direction?

If you’re not surprised when I say “probably not” it’s because we both understand how improbable it is that we’d both want to enough to overcome all the practicalities that stand in the way of either of us saying yes. And finding time. And not being at least somewhat entangled in other relationships, other interests, other obligations.

And so chances are neither of us would act. Or do more than briefly consider it.

So. Little story.

A friend of a friend (real, someone I met though never said much to) used to stand on a corner in Manhattan and quietly murmur “want to fuck” to every woman who walked by.

Every few days someone said yes.

His success rate was somewhat better than the average singles nightclub “players.”

The point being that lots of women want to fuck. The idea of “sexual scarcity” is more in your head than any kind of fact of life.

And once that realization percolates then the corollary comes through too: everything isn’t just about trying to get laid. Every interaction with a woman doesn’t have to be about getting laid.

And once that notion settles in it’s genuine cool how many awesome, entirely collegial, even affectionate relationships you can have with women.

Note: it’s not like you wouldn’t still check out her butt if she’s cute. Any more than she wouldn’t check out yours.

But the awesome thing about women you’re truly just friends with is… you never become each other’s exes either. And sometimes you even become each other’s confidant, wingman, and lifelong friend.

Sex is surprisingly easy. Friendship is hard. Make friends.




You just call out my name /and you know wherever I am / I’ll come running / to see you again. — Carol King

Seriously, stickepuff, when you need me I’ll come running to help you go where you want to be.

An older, experienced top understands and respects that Submission is your own, independent, autonomous kink.

Ok. So. About sending those unsolicited dick pics…

It’s kind of like picking your nose and eating it.

Just saying. You know you don’t make a big deal out of it but kind of sidle off when someone eats their boogers? And how you don’t say anything but you kind of check them off your list?

It’s kind of the same thing with dick pics. You’ll get a reaction but it’ll be the “not say anything but check you off their list” reaction.

You probably don’t want that.

The difference is that if someone actually likes you and gets to know you they still won’t want to see you eat your boogers. But! Once they really get to know you they’re surprisingly likely to want to see your dick. And do more than look!
