
Submissive males

Absolutely disgust me, this goes doubly so for sissies. You have a cock, you were born to be superior, to dominate, to be in charge… But somewhere along the line your beta bitch boy took over and now you find yourself kneeling to a cunt who should be nothing to you.

I’m not a religious man, but one of the things the Christian Bible got right was that MAN was to have dominion over all creatures, and woman was to be submissive to MAN. Specifically her husband, but that’s neither here nor there.

If you’re not going to be a Dominant Male, then you might as well cut your balls of so we can end your pathetic contribution to to the human genome. We do not need you to reproduce, we need strong Dominant Males.

And you faggots wonder why your wives choose to be with a Man like me, instead of you. To reproduce with a Man like me, instead of you. It’s because you do not satisfy her need to be dominated.

So when I was a younger man a much older father figure — a fifth-generation mountain lawman who liked to hunt wild boar and bears with only a pistol — took me aside one day and told me

“Son, we’re all born with a bag full of shit hanging from a string around our necks. And the purpose of life, he said, is to empty as much shit out of your bag as you can… Without putting any of of your shit in someone else’s bag.”






Fun things they don’t teach you in sex ed.

Talcum powder has asbestos in it. Has for years. Leave it be

This is all FAR more useful education than ‘Having unmarried sex while female makes you a dirty slut’ .

Always reblog Feminine & Masculine health

When the info is correct of course.

Ok, guys. First of all we need to know this. Second of all, sometimes your partner won’t. This doesn’t make you smarter or better so don’t tease or mock. But do gently let her know. She’s at least as insecure about her pussy as we are about our dicks.

If you know what’s healthy and normal, and let your sweetheart know you want her to feel healthy and normal, she may not feel she needs to go harmful things to make you like her.

A jealous, “one-dick policy” Daddy never gets to know what his Little learns when she has playdates and sleepovers, does he?

And that would be a shame for both of us.  In a real power-exchange relationship the top and bottom are still autonomous adult human beings.  Being in kink doesn’t change that.  (For that matter being vanilla doesn’t change that!)  

It seems almost comically common for Doms and even Daddies to imagine they can have multiple Subs or Littles, and flat peculiar that 

Nothing wrong with being exclusive.  And nothing wrong with being authentically poly either.  But fuck that whole “one-dick policy” double standard.

Extra steps – an in-depth introspection on being a D/Lg Daddy

“All you ‘daddies’ talk a lot of bullshit but you still don’t actually answer the question. For example, you can say “I’m not attracted to kids, I just like girls in short skirts and pigtails” or “I’m not a pedophile, I just get off to innocence” but you never take that extra step and ask why you’re attracted to those things and it says a lot about you as a person if you’re not willing to take that extra step.”  — Anonymous ask

Thank you for asking.  You presume that I haven’t “taken that extra step” and “asked myself why.”

I’m going to blame Tumblr’s recent content restrictions but as I said in one of my earliest posts my original intention was to explore D/Lg, a kink I’d known nothing about and, like you, had associated with veiled pedophilia.

If you’re the same person who’s been flooding me with attempts to get me to adopt your definition then you’ll be disappointed to learn that I was introduced to D/Lg by a long-term partner who identified as a Submissive and a Little.

My very first girlfriend in high-school asked me to tie her up because she’d read about it in the historical romance novels she liked to read and it turned her on.  She was also very turned on by power-exchange relationships between “lords and serving girls” in those novels and wanted me to re-enact those situations with her.  Incidentally, she also wanted me to massage her head to toe.  And, like a lot of women of all ages, she had a really tough time having orgasms but was very emphatic that I made sure she had them.

I was perfectly fine with most of this.  I loved tying her up!  I adored massaging her for hour on end.  And I’d been turned on by the idea of making someone come since I’d first read about it in a sex manual I’d found in my parent’s room.

Much to her annoyance, I didn’t enjoy ordering her around or making rules.  She had a pretty strong personality, was keenly intelligent, and had a bit of a short temper.  If you were interested in the dynamics of kink this probably wouldn’t surprise you.

The upshot was that from the beginning of my sex life I’ve always been a) responsive to my partners’ turn-ons and also b) very attracted to being the active party during sex…

But also c) haven’t been interested in or very good at domination with a capital D.

Given the over-the-top ignorance about non-missionary sexuality I spent years believing I was just a shitty or failed Dom.

Then, like I say, I fell in love with a wonderful, beautiful woman who was a) quite a Submissive, b) more Masochistic than I was comfortable with, and c) way more experienced in her kink community than I was.  When she first mentioned spending time with a close friend who was a “Little” and boyfriend who was a “Daddy” I was probably put off as much by the idea as you are.

But over the course of a few weeks she told me more and more about her friends’ relationship and slowly came more and more out to me as a Little herself.  And she taught me that it wasn’t that while she enjoyed dressing up in outrageous clothes and drawing cute things she never even remotely “regressed” to an age other than her own: a grown woman who just liked cute things.  And liked pretending she was shy and innocent even though she was proudly and even gleefully anything but those things.  And the more she taught me about being a “Daddy” the more comfortable I was with the idea.

The thing that appealed to me about being a “Daddy” isn’t about having sex with children (because that’s not just immoral or criminal but weird, gross, abusive, damaging, and by-definition non-consensual and therefore not kinky.)

Instead it’s about being dominant without being a Dom.  With partners who can be submssive without being Submissives.  In most regards it’s as ridiculous and inauthentic as my first girlfriend’s deep Lord/wench fantasies.

And to echo the original question, even in high-school my first girlfriend was able to offer a surprisingly deep critique of the pleasure she took from her darkly inegalitarian erotic fantasies in the bedroom in the context of her passionate commitment to gender equality and feminism.  (Something else I learned from her and that has helped shape my philosophy of sex and gender ever since.)

And so, yeah, I’m not attracted to children, and yeah, I enjoy partners who like pretending to be innocent, and yeah, while I’m not a Dom I’m sexually dominant, and after nearly three years I’m confident and comfortable being a non-dominant D/Lg Daddy with adult partners who are D/Lg Littles.  And, yeah, I’ve taken that extra step and deeply interrogated my kink.  And finally, yeah, having done that, despite quite a lot of previously-shared misunderstanding and prejudice I’m confident and comfortable with my kink as well.


sex positivity has turned into teaching girls to ridicule other girls for preferring missionary or “vanilla” sex as if it’s supposed to be a competition as to who can withstand the most violent sex and who can endure the most abuse from men veiled as a kink

Update: When I was young I got trolled and gaslighted by the same kind of mostly men (mostly but not exclusively men) running the same shit @dovepisces talks about getting hit with – only then the buzzword back then was “sexual liberation.”  

I’m still really angry about it and frustrated that, years later, when a new generation adopted “sex-positive” as a… well… more positive phrase, a whole a new generation of younger men and women ended up getting gaslighted by… exactly the same kind of predatory, abusive (mostly) men.

In my initial post (below) I focused my frustration so narrowly on how yet another phrase got run into the dirt I didn’t consider, let alone acknowledge, how badly hurt people have been when they’ve been exploited and abused by people who use those phrases.

Well.  This is technically true.  But only in the sense that trolls and predators have always used any inch towards social progress to shame, lever, or gaslight others into letting them be exploited.

But, really, actual sex-positivity totally embraces those who prefer missionary or “vanilla” sex… or no sex at all!

Mitch McConnel calling what he’s doing “democracy,” or Kelly Anne Conway calling what she does “empowering women,” or Jerry Fallwell, Jr. calling what he does “Christianity” doesn’t make them true.

Same for any dickwad doodle-dom who tells you it’s “sex-positive” that he doesn’t want to use a safeword or get you off.

But you know what?  Mitch McConnell really is helping make “democracy” a term of suspicion.  Falwell and his “conservative Christian” coven have literally made “Christianity” a synonym for racism, intolerance, homophobia, and blunt, unmitigated cruelty!  And the same goes for the phrase “sex-positive,” which, for too many people, is now a synonym for gaslighting and abuse.

I’m sorry.  I might not like it.  It wasn’t always like that.  But that’s the way it is now.

Final note: The term we’re probably more comfortable with today is “kink.”  Don’t even get me started on what I think about the “cool” misogyny-bros at kink.com have done to gaslight the word “kink.” :(



Shit like this makes me genuinely angry.  It’s just incredible how many men out there who think women are only sexual for men.  Who can’t even imagine that you’d have your own, autonomous, sometimes downright carnivorous sex drive independent of your partners.

No concept at all that rather than falling asleep after their orgasm the way they do, you instead lie there wrenched with frustration, maybe fingering yourself as discreetly as possible to avoid waking him, or slipping into the bathroom to finish what he never imagined it was possible even to start.

Masturbation not just for men?  Ahahahah!  It’s startling how many men believe that.  And even more startling how many women teach their daughters the same thing.  How many peers do.

There’s nothing, zero, nothing at all humiliating, shameful, perverse, needy, slutty, whorish, bestial, uncouth, uncultured, or wrong with rubbing one out.   Or a dozen.

For crying out loud we’re almost 20% of the way through the 21st Century!  Unless your family still shits in outhouses and still does laundry in the creek out back there’s no excuse for this attitude.


🌸 things u can submit:

– toys, stuffies, little gear, cute little stuff

– how you spend your days with cute little stuff

– cute little stuff you bought or got as a present and you wanna brag about it

– nice words, nice thoughts. nice manners

– ur dogs and cats please

things you cannot submit:

– gifs and pics with detailed description of ‘what you’d do to me’ shockingly i don’t care

– anything where you refer yourself as my daddy especially in third person.

– your dick. i will kill you i swear to god.

Ok.  So.

You run across who blogs about D/Lg or DD/Lg (or any other kink, or just plain old vanilla) sex and sexuality.  Maybe they post really hot captions that get you right where you live.  Maybe they post naked selfies doing exactly what you want to do with, for, or to someone in real life.  Maybe they’re even your idea of total, sex-on-a-stick, let’s-scare-the-horses, dick-hardening or pussy-drenching gorgeous!

And oh look, their Ask box is open!  Or maybe their DMs!

And they said something about loving hot, rough blowjobs and you want a hot, rough blowjob!  Or they post about wishing they had a Daddy who’d put them to bed and then fuck them while they’re asleep and you haven’t just always wanted to do that you want to do it right now!

So you whip out your phone, thumb the camera icon, whip out your dick, and snap a picture that you feel demonstrates your level of urgency… and you’ve been jacking off and your fantasies have been getting progressively twistier and darker so you mention what you’d like to do next and…

And then like a goddamn idiot you send it to them!

And guess what?  They’re sitting there eating dinner or showing their kid or their dad how to play a game…

Or hell, they’re just sitting there feeling Little and Small but not even a tiny bit sexual at the moment and…

And there your little bit of gristle pops up with a typo-laden case history that would make Dr. Kinsey want to cross their legs.

Guess how that’s going to land, champ?

Guess how happy they’re going to be about responding after they’ve explained to their boss that, no, really they’ll delete the app so it won’t happen again, please don’t fire me I really need this job?

Bottom line: Someone can be A Little but not your Little!  You might be A Daddy but that doesn’t make you their Daddy.

Even tougher?  Somebody might have just spread herself so wide you can see her tonsils, and write that she’s legitimately dying to choke on A dick… and still not want to choke on your dick!

Even worse?

Buzz, you’re not even the first dude who’s sent her the same message in the last 20 minutes.

And that’s the tragedy (for real!) of being hot in a public venue like Tumblr: one person posts something and 100,000 people can see it and want to do possibly very lovely things with… that… one person!

Even if they were totally game, nobody wants to pull a train with 10,000 boxcars.  KnowhutImean, man?

Look.  I know.  When you’re yanking or rubbing away and you just need that little something to get you over the top it might not occur to you that the person (it’s a person!) you’re about to send your anatomy sample to is a person!

And so it might be a little tough to just go ahead, finish, wipe yourself down, and then send a message saying something like 

“Hi, i really appreciated your last post.  It was pretty exciting and meant a lot to me.  Just wanted to say thanks.”

And then, maybe a few days later saying “I see you also post a lot of puppy photos, have you seen this one of the really cute puppy who just runs to their owner instead of doing the obstacle course like the others were trained to do?”

And just generally remembering that not only are they a real person, you’re a real person too!

People aren’t their kinks.  Kinky relationships are still relationships.  If you must send your anatomy send forearm or hand pics, not dick pics.

Yeah, they might live all the way across the world from you.  But you know what?  If you’re more than a dick to them they might be more than a cold shoulder to you!

Even better?  Do you have any idea how many perfectly marvelous, sexy, and thoroughly wild women quit posting or never start because they get barraged with unsolicited dick pics and invitations to receive rectal tears?  Just one would be too many but, buddy, it’s literally millions!

Don’t make it a million and one!

If someone says “no dick pics or I’ll block you?”  Don’t send them a goddamn dick pic, m’kay?

Just don’t.

P.S. If you’re a blogger and you still get that kind of shit from tweezers who can’t read?  You’ve got my permission to just block the owl whiz out of the pencil-peckered sons of bitches.

I have a dom coming to visit me and he is adamant about not using a safe word. I’ve been looking forward to him coming down and have talked about what I would be comfortable with, but the idea of no safe word is frightening. Should i call if off or go through with it?

“The idea of no safe word is frightening.”

You answered your own question, didn’t you?

I’m 100% sympathetic.  You look forward to meeting him, and he’s comfortable talking to you about your needs and wants. 

I’ve mentioned before that there’s a school of thought in kink that safewords aren’t actually safe… in the sense that a top should never get out of control and should always be 100% attentive and that too many bottoms get to hazy or even intimidated or “brave” to safeword.  


Since you can be all that and use safewords too it’s a red flag that this person is “adamant” about not having one.

The only purpose of D/S in particular, BDSM and kink in a little more general, and non-intentionally-reproductive sex in general is for both of you to enjoy yourselves, to feel safe, to be happy, horny, healthy, and want to do it again.  And again.

That’s a pretty low bar.  Sounds like it’s not going to be met without him agreeing to letting you have a safeword and without you being 100% confident that he’ll respect it you use it.  And-and that he won’t wet his pants or throw a fit if you did use it.

So I’m going to say call it off unless and until you stop being frightened instead of totally excited to submit to him.

In fact I’m going to be blunt (not mean, just blunt) and say a good Dom would have called off his trip instead of putting you in the uncomfortable position of having to do it yourself!  He hasn’t.  So maybe he’s not a good Dom for you.

Thank you so much for asking this question.  It’s a really, really important one that shouldn’t need repeating but does.  Over and over.  


🌸 if your daddy doesn’t take care of you while you’re on your period then i hate to break it to you, but he’s not your daddy he’s a dick, sweetie 🌸

Wait. What? I’ve always been down for at least heating a lavender wheat pack for regular old friends if they’re crampy, let alone girlfriends when I was vanilla let alone a Little who’s vested in me authority over her.

Who the fuck doesn’t take care of their sweeties when they’re on their period?

Gang, you don’t do that you’re not just not her Daddy you’re not even her friend! Grow a dick, don’t be one.