This!  If she wants a dick pic she’ll take it herself!

This is the biggest misconception about women and dicks.  Most women like their partners’ dicks just fine.  Love them.  Daydream about them.  Want to put them in their mouths or pussies.  Maybe even want to have and keep pictures of them too!

But “my partner’s dick” probably isn’t the same thing as “your dick,” is it?  Hmm… roughly 2,000,000,000 straight, adult women in the world… only one you… even if you’re poly as hell you’re unlikely to have more than 500 partners so… ok, at best there’s still at best a 1/40,000,000 chance a random woman is going to be happy to see your dick.

Even though she likely adores her partner’s dick.

“Doesn’t want to see your dick pic” ≠ “doesn’t like dicks.”


Sometimes I don’t think men realize how important intimacy is before sex. Yeah like I know we are gonna fuck. But sometimes I wanna lay with you and make out and just have you touch me all over and slip a hand between my legs for a while so that after its all over I can think of the way your hands scorched across my skin. I wont ever forget.

Wait. Seriously? Pretty sure even when I was a callow, pimply-faced youth I still had sense (and sensuality… and self-respect!!!) enough to want to take my time, enjoy goddamn *sex* and not just a quick little jackrabbitery before doing… what? What else could you possibly want to do if you’ve got a warm, wonderful, naked woman next to you?

Honestly. Guys worry so much about “premature ejaculation,” and maybe they’re ashamed of themselves? Maybe they think “two-pump chimp” is a *complement?*. But fact is that stories about “blue balls” notwithstanding, the benefit of “foreplay,”. (It’s really sex) for men is it takes us longer to come, just like it help our partners take less time to come.

And puhlease don’t tell me that spending an hour kissing and being kissed, touching and being touched, holding someone and being held, licking someone and being licked, doesn’t add up to some *supreme* sexual pleasures of their own, even before you get to intercourse!

Bottom line: foreplay isn’t “fore” anything. It’s already sex!

I need your opinion on this. So i’m 20 and still a virgin BUT a have a very very dirty mind. I’ve started talking to this guy but i’m nervous about telling him that i’m a virgin….i’m scared that i’m gonna get rejected…help



I’ll say this only once.. anyone who judges you because you’ve not had sex does not deserve to even have you in that potential position in the first place.

And not to be even more prickly but anyone who says “now that you’ve had sex once everything is fine” also needs a reset.  Because that’s also judgment.  

Just like experiencing sex doesn’t change you, experiencing sex once doesn’t change you either.

We’d all be better off if we erased “virgin” and “virginity” from our vocabularies.  “Virginity” in both tradition and law is related to a woman’s property value to her current (father) and prospective (husband) custodial males.  Just decline to participate in that.  Women need to stop using the word.  Men really gotta stop using the word!

You know why you want to be sweet and supportive to someone when it’s their first time?  It’s not because it’s some kind of privilege or some kind of burden, and it’s definitely not because it’s somehow snapping anybody’s “seal of freshness!”  Instead it’s because they’re a beginner!  It’s because if someone you like wants to do a thing, and you enjoy doing the thing too, you want them to enjoy it enough to want to do it again.

Same with the second time too!

And never mind that intercourse is only one tiny part of sex!  That’s a whole nother conversation altogether.  




There seems to be a common mischaracterization of d/s relationships: that dominance is active, submission is passive, dominance is doing, submission is being done to. And, if your frame of reference were primarily porn or erotic fiction, it would be easy to reach that conclusion. How many feminist objections to d/s are based in this type of thinking? It may also be at the root of common questions like “How do I get my SO to be more dominant?”

This mischaracterization of the d/s dynamic is unfair because it doesn’t give submissive partners enough credit. From where I sit, submission doesn’t look like a passive pursuit. It looks like real work. Submissives choose their role, and they choose to work at it at least as hard as their dominant partners. And then
they make themselves physically and emotionally vulnerable. They trust. Amazing. You aren’t foolish or weak. You deserve to be proud of the relationship that you build everyday. 

Thanks for doing what you do. It is noticed and appreciated.

Oh, and pretty picture. Love the dress. Love the curls.

I am a lucky girl.

This is roughly the mindset

@cynicaldom comes from when he corrects me from saying he leads, I follow to he leads, I support. 

UGH!  This!!!  

To clear the air for a moment it’s not surprising that there are (non-kink) feminist objections to the way D/S is represented in popular culture.  There’s no doubt that D/S porn and erotica (including Tumblr) has a big problem with gender representation.  In the real world there are huge numbers of women who are Doms and men who are (non-”sissy” and non-”forced-feminization!”) Subs.  

You’d never know it from porn and erotica but Dominance and Submission are kinks not genders!  Until that totally fucked-up notion gets straightened out feminists (and misogynists!) are going to keep having the same fundamental misunderstanding.

But more importantly…

This mischaracterization of the d/s dynamic is unfair because it doesn’t give submissive partners enough credit.

OMG, if you don’t get that you haven’t got a single fucking clue what D/S (or Cg/L, or S&M, or B&D or the other power-exchange kinks) are about at all!

Unlike victims of abuse and violence Submissives actively engage and participate.  They initiate!  They don’t just cooperate they often actively critique, negotiate, recommend, and reject their partner’s Dominance.  

In the real world, Subs cultivate and coach their Doms as often as Doms train and develop their Subs.  

The point is that bottoming kinks are their own affirmative kinks pursued by active, autonomous agents.  Submission ≠ subordination.  Dominance ≠ superiority!  And kink relationships are real relationships!

Again, if you don’t understand that fundamental truth then you’re not a Dom you’re a vanilla asshole who likes to push your partners around.  If you don’t get that you’re not a Sub you’re codependent, or a doormat, or both.  And if you don’t understand that tops and bottoms are partners the way pitchers and batters are partner you’re not going to understand D/S or any of the power-exchange kinks.

Final note: I’m not making a “no true Scotsman” argument here.  There are plenty of self-styled “doms” and “subs” who are just loud vanilla players.  And too many of us let them get away with it.  This is a particular problem for subs because, for better or worse, there aren’t enough good Doms to go around!  This creates a structural advantage for wannabes, users, and legit abusers to slip through the cracks.  And cause real havoc.

But!  Until everybody understands that Doms and Subs are equal, autonomous partners and that D/S is a kink dynamic and not a gender dynamic there will continue to be giant cracks where the assholes will continue to slip through.


“almost every woman i have ever met has a secret belief that she is just on the edge of madness, that there is some deep, crazy part within her, that she must be on guard constantly against ‘losing control’ — of her temper, of her appetite, of her sexuality, of her feelings, of her ambition, of her secret fantasies, of her mind”

— Elana Dykewomon “Notes for a Magazine"

Society’s trick is to raise everyone to believe half of humanity are some kind of cross between devils and angels, enforcers of propriety and objects of lust, to be “respected” or even “worshiped” on the one hand but also denied opportunities, respect, authority, and compensation for being “little ladies.”

Oh, also!  You’re accused of being “hormonal” on a monthly basis by… men who wake up every morning with a frickin’ erection!

I promise, promise, promise it’s not you who’s on the edge of madness.  Or if you are it’s because society’s set up to systematically and methodically drive you crazy.


Curious about what you use and how you came up with it???

Never forget that the universal safeword is “what the fuck, asshole!”

Seriously.  If you want out of a scene and your partner doesn’t seem to be registering your distress, then even if you haven’t set a “proper” safe word, if you’re snapped out of your zone it’s 100% acceptable for you to snap them out of theirs.

Also note: in most circumstances a top is doing something wrong if they push their partner to a point they need to safeword.  It’s not a good thing.  It’s not a “win.”

Feel sorry for the folks who imagine a grudging “I guess so” is as good as it gets.  Or needs to get.

Consent is, like, a basic ground-level, oxygen-in-the-room minimum requirement.

Sex isn’t like the wry airplain pilot quip that “any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.”

Sex isn’t like American-rules football where it’s ok to say “an ugly win is still a win.”

Sex – kinky no less than vanilla – is supposed to satisfy everybody.  Where nobody else gets to say what “satisfied” means for anybody else.

If you don’t have not just “consent” but an excited “oh yes” then U R Doing It Rong.  Or your partner is.  Or both of you are.

Hey Cliff, I was wondering if you knew if using toothpaste internally is potentially harmful (anus or vagina). I’m seeing mixed reports online and I’m not about to ask my doctor about it in person, lol. If it is, would using it around these orifices be potentially dangerous?




You know, the real answer to this kind of thing is that nobody does research on this.  It’s as unknown to science as the unmapped depths of the ocean.  I can sort of guess and extrapolate from stuff like “well, it doesn’t damage your mouth” and “I couldn’t find any case reports of someone seriously injured by vaginal/anal toothpaste,” but guessing is all it is.

And if you ask a doctor–or a nurse more sensible than me, frankly–they’re going to tell you not to do it.  The downside if you do it and get hurt and blame us is major, and the upside if you enjoy it is
 not something healthcare can really set a value on.

So I don’t really know what to tell you.  It’ll definitely hurt, but I’m assuming that’s a feature not a bug for you.  Anecdotally I know of people who put toothpaste on their clitorises and nothing bad happened, but that’s just anecdotes and it’s not the same as internal tissue.

??? It’s honestly not a question I can answer.


It contains detergent, surfactants, grit, and foaming agents.

It WILL cause microabrasions to your mucous membranes and it WILL leave your orifices prone to infection.

Okay, I think you should listen to this person.

I’m always biased in favor of sexual weirdness and against excessive caution, but she has industry sources for this.  So yeah.  Don’t put toothpaste up in yourself.  Sorry.

People put all sorts of very bad-for-you things in their various body parts.  Most of them don’t do it twice.

Most of us have had some kind of experience with the more “active” ingredients in toothpaste, menthol shaving cream, or perfumes on sensitive membranes and discovered that they burn or sting way out of proportion to how they feel in our mouths.  Peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, or eucalyptus (menthol) oils in toothpaste as well as some of the lighter esters, aldehydes, and alcohols in perfumes and shaving cremes out suspiciously mild on genital tissue (including penises, scrotums, outer labia, and clitoris hoods) but continue to get more intense.  And more intense.  And ow-really-fucking-burns intense.

People who are into “figging” with fresh ginger and/or chiles do this for fun.  The difference being that both ginger and capsaicin oils in chiles cause nerve endings to “light up” but don’t cause active tissue damage. 

You want to put something “hot” on your naughty bits my advice would be 

a) don’t
b) use chiles or ginger

And AS ALWAY if you’re a top, or even just think you are, try a small amount on yourself first!  It’s not just a matter of “sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander” (though it is that.)  It’s that as a good, competent top you’ll appreciate what you do to your bottom a hell of a lot more if you understand what you’re subjecting them to.  (And if you’re thinking hell no way I’d do that to myself then… don’t know what to tell ya, champ, for thinking it’s ok to do it to someone else.)

About that “number” thing…

Interesting tidbit about the social impact on gender and partner counts that I can no longer find the source for

  • When asked to estimate the number of sex partners they have women tend to divide their “number” by two
  • Men tend to multiply by two instead

As long as we still have social narratives about “sluts” and “studs,” don’t tell me women or men no longer “need feminism.”

Note: If you average only one partner a year then by age 60 your “number” will be roughly 40.

Note: Most people don’t think of one partner a year as particularly “slutty” or “studly.”

Note: Given that most marriages last on the order of five years, and that people will average roughly five partners before, after, or between marriages, a lifetime “number” of 40 partners still shouldn’t seem that scandalous.

Asking someone how many partners they ‘ve had or, especially asking a woman “how many cocks have you ‘taken,’” is both dumb and rude.

Judging someone based on how many partners they’ve had is just ridiculous. 

Consider the following hypothetical conversation

“How many times have you played tennis?”
“None, sir.”
“Good, then I really want to play tennis with you”

What kinds of predictions can you make about someone who’s excited to play tennis against inexperienced players?

Let’s try another hypothetical conversation

“How many people have you played tennis with?”
“40, none of whom had any experience”

Now consider a less hypothetical conversation that begins with

“How many sex partners have you had?”

Do you think a numerical answer will be a useful basis for anything other than judgment?